Ajopäiväkirja hinnasto

Google Play tilaukset alkaen vain 10€ kuukausi. Google Play:n kautta voit tilata ohjelmamme käyttöön vaikka vain kuukaudeksi kerrallaan.
Lataa DriveNoter Google Play:stä, käynnistä Appi ja etsi sivuvalikosta “Kauppa”.


Katso muut vaihtoehdot alta.


30€ 3 month
  • duration 90 days
  • Logbook on the device
  • Work diary on the device
  • Reports direct from the device
  • Google drive backup


60€ 6 month
  • Duration 180 days
  • Logbook on the device
  • Work diary on the device
  • Reports direct from the device
  • Google drive backup


120€ 12 month
  • Duration 365 days
  • Logbook on the device
  • Work diary on the device
  • Reports direct from the device
  • Google drive backup

Hinnat sis. alv 0%
Yhdessä laitteessa voi olla 1+2 käyttäjää. Jos tarvit käyttäjiä enemmän, kysy rohkeasti tarjous info[at]ewooks.fi.

For all orders, it is possible to have a cloud service available on request, which stores the driving and working diary, receipt data, and allows drivers and
management devices. Ask us and we will calculate a quote for a suitable package for you. If required, we can arrange a trial run, just ask! The cloud service is an additional service priced separately.

Cloud Start

  • Logbook storage in the cloud
  • Logbook storage in the cloud
  • For one device
  • 1+3 user via cloud for device
  • Accessories and users are priced separately
  • Reports (Excel, Pdf, CSV)

Cabidi tariff/contract price counter prices on ordering with invoice

Cabidi Cloud Start

start from 65€/mo 1 mo.

  • Duration 1 month
  • Contract price calculator
  • Logbook on the device and in the cloud
  • Logbook on the device and in the cloud
  • For one device
  • 1+3 user via cloud for device
  • Accessories and users are priced separately
  • Track and record transactions from the device
  • Reports (Excel, Pdf, CSV)

Cabidi Cloud Professional

Ask 1mo
  • Duration 1 month
  • Contract price calculator
  • Logbook on the device and in the cloud
  • Logbook on the device and in the cloud
  • For one device
  • 1+5 user via cloud for device
  • Track and record transactions from the device
  • Device tracking
  •  Message center
  • Integrations e.g. with your own website order form (Integration work is priced separately)
  • Accessories and users are priced separately
  • Reports (Excel, Pdf, CSV)

Hinnat alv 0%, hintoihin lisätään ostettaessa alv 24%.
Yhdessä laitteessa voi olla 1+2 käyttäjää. Jos tarvitset käyttäjiä enemmän, kysy rohkeasti tarjous info[at]ewooks.fi
